Financial Resources

Dr. V.A. Snow Centre is a NON PROFIT organization. We accept collections from fundraising events and donations in kind.

Financial arrangements are to be made with the Administrator or the Administrative Assistant by the resident's family, Powers of Attorney or Trustee prior to any resident being admitted to the Nursing Home. The following is to be discussed:

  • Resident trust account - a separate account maintained for each resident to provide for comforts and needs - certain limits and guidelines apply (Comfort and Clothing, Allowance) i.e.: Intended to provide solely for the personal needs of the resident
  • Expenses for which the resident is responsible (a written outline of same will be provided)
  • Funeral arrangements - families are encouraged to arrange for pre planning of funeral however not mandatory upon admission.
  • Deposit of pension or other cheques received by the resident
  • Completion of personal documents i.e.: Income taxes, HST rebate, S.I.N. application, G.I.S., insurance forms are the responsibility of the sponsor. Any shortage in payment as a result of failure to complete the above forms will be billed directly to the sponsor.
  • Documents that must accompany the resident for outside appointments.